Basic Training
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“The most exciting and interesting thing I’ve ever experienced!
I thought meeting 100 people at once would be overwhelming,
but I feel at home, welcome and safe. I don’t want to leave.”
~ Birgit J.,
ABMNM® Practitioner Trainee &
Yoga Instructor
The ABM® NeuroMovement® (ABMNM®) Basic Training Program consists of a unique blend of both in-person and online learning. Additional web resources, regular conference or video calls, and ongoing support in small groups make this ABMNM® training exceptionally powerful both in terms of personal growth and transformation, as well as in forming highly effective practitioners.
In every training segment, you will participate in an intensive experiential and intellectual process. Each segment focuses on one main functional subject. There are foundational underlying themes that recur and continue evolving in each of the segments. Every segment builds on the previous ones, so the learning grows exponentially and integrates into one field.
The hands-on practice and group movement lessons introduced in each segment relate to the focus of the segment and build, over time, in their complexity and level of physical and cognitive skillfulness and refinement. As trainees move through these segments, they gain knowledge of how the nervous system functions to organize action and how specific core ideas in the method can be applied to a multitude of situations and conditions.
You will experience and learn scores of Transformational Movement LessonsSM (TML- group movement lessons); a rich body of scientifically based, cutting-edge theory; Functional SynthesisSM individual sessions (FS - one-on-one movement lessons); demonstrations, and practice. You will immerse yourself in a process where you’ll repeatedly experience the impossible becoming possible, reaching new levels of freedom and refinement in your own movement, feeling, thinking, and awareness. Your transformation and personal evolution are at the heart of the profound understanding and skills you will acquire to effectively and powerfully utilize when teaching others.
Five of the 10 training segments are done in person, four of the segments are done online and one segment is done live-online via Zoom in between the in-person segments. During the online segments, trainees will meet via conference or video calls with their group leader to go over the assigned materials and address questions. The group leaders are available for help and provide support to the participants in their group.
Trainees are encouraged to begin practicing early on and are provided with supporting teaching materials in the form of transcripts and extensive notes after each training segment.
Training Process
Our Practitioner Training Program Will Empower You To:
be at the forefront of the brain plasticity revolution and its applications
learn practical & groundbreaking ways to transform people’s lives through ABM® NeuroMovement®
continue learning online between in-person segments
become a certified ABM® NeuroMovement® Practitioner in 16 months
reach new heights in your current profession
experience your own profound transformation
“I’m experiencing emotional and physical changes big time… feeling like a new world has opened up to me.”
~ Alice L., Pediatric Occupational Therapist
The scope of personal benefits from this training program is very wide. Trainees may experience:
Increased flexibility and strength – physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual
A powerful new relationship with their bodies
Exciting new movement and mental skills
Healing from old injuries and traumas
Relief from back, neck, joint, and other physical pain
Increased clarity and freedom in thinking
Enhanced creativity
Improved health and greater vitality and well-being
Fuller discovery of one’s authentic self and expression
A full, vibrant, and interesting life